
Top Level Fieldset: True

The event fields are used for context information about the log itself. A log is defined as an event containing details of something that happened.

Event Fields


Required Field: False
Example: login_user
Detection Supported Field: True

The action captured by the event.

Allowed Values

accept_inviteAccept an invitation
accept_messageAccept a message
accept_sessionAccept a session
accept_tosAccept Terms of Service
access_appAccess an application
access_webhookAccess a webhook
add_appAdd an application
add_deviceAdd a device
add_domainAdd a domain
add_keyAdd an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys)
add_labelAdd a label or tag
add_mfaAdd a new MFA factor for a user such as a phone number, authenticator app, or hardware token
add_permissionAdd a permission
add_policyAdd a policy
add_resourceAdd a resource
add_roleAdd a role
add_ruleAdd a rule
add_teamAdd a team
add_userAdd a user
add_workflowAdd a workflow
alert_apiNotable API event
alert_deviceNotable device event
alert_eventNotable event
alert_mfaUser bypasses, attempts to bypass, or circumvents MFA in some way
alert_policyNotable policy event
alert_resourceNotable resource event
alert_ruleNotable rule event
alert_userNotable user event
allow_issueAllow an issue
approve_accessApprove access to a service or resource
approve_appApprove an application
approve_resourceApprove a resource
approve_requestApprove a request
approve_tokenApprove a token or API key
approve_userApprove a user
approve_workflowApprove a workflow
archive_keyArchive an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys)
archive_resourceArchive a resource
archive_ruleArchive a rule
archive_userArchive a user
assign_issueAssign an issue
authenticate_appApplication authentication
authenticate_userUser authentication
await_resourceAwait resource
block_sessionBlock a session
block_userBlock a user
canaryCanary event
cancel_reviewCancel a review
cancel_sponsorshipCancel a sponsorship
cancel_workflowCancel a workflow
change_mfaChange an MFA factor (Use add_mfa and remove_mfa if separate events are available)
close_issueClose an issue
close_projectClose a project
close_requestClose or cancel a request
close_reviewClose a review
complete_taskComplete a task
complete_workflowComplete a workflow
connect_appConnect an application
connect_userConnect a user (Used when a user joins a space.)
copy_keyCopy an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys)
copy_resourceCopy a resource
create_accountCreate an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use create_user)
create_advisoryCreate a security advisory
create_apiCreate or register an API
create_appCreate or register an application
create_branchCreate a Git branch
create_codeCreate code, commits, or releases
create_commentCreate a comment
create_csrCreate a Certificate Signing Request
create_deploymentCreate a deployment
create_eventCreate an event
create_exceptionCreate an exception
create_forkCreate a fork
create_groupCreate a group
create_indexCreate a table index
create_issueCreate an issue
create_keyCreate an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys)
create_labelCreate a label or tag
create_metadataCreate metadata
create_mfaCreate an MFA token or code
create_organizationCreate an organization
create_packageCreate a package
create_passwordCreate a password or PIN
create_permissionCreate a permission
create_policyCreate a policy
create_projectCreate a project
create_requestCreate a request
create_resourceCreate a resource
create_roleCreate a role
create_ruleCreate a rule
create_settingCreate a setting
create_shareCreate a shared resource such as a drive or folder
create_sponsorshipCreate a sponsorship
create_taskCreate a task
create_teamCreate a team
create_tokenCreate a token or API key
create_userCreate a user
create_webhookCreate a webhook
create_workflowCreate a workflow
delete_accountDelete an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use delete_user)
delete_advisoryDelete a security advisory
delete_alertDelete an alert
delete_appDelete an application
delete_branchDelete a Git branch
delete_certificateDelete a certificate
delete_codeDelete code, commits, or releases
delete_commentDelete a comment
delete_exceptionDelete an exception
delete_groupDelete a group
delete_indexDelete a table index
delete_issueDelete an issue
delete_keyDelete an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys)
delete_labelDelete a label or tag
delete_metadataDelete metadata
delete_organizationDelete an organization
delete_packageDelete a package
delete_permissionDelete a permission
delete_policyDelete a policy
delete_projectDelete a project
delete_requestDelete a request
delete_resourceDelete a resource
delete_roleDelete a role
delete_ruleDelete a rule
delete_settingDelete a setting
delete_taskDelete a task
delete_teamDelete a team
delete_tokenDelete a token or API key
delete_userDelete a user
delete_webhookDelete a webhook
delete_workflowDelete a workflow
demote_roleDemote the role of a user or group
deny_accessDeny access to a service or resource
deny_inviteDeny or reject an invitation
deny_requestDeny or reject a request
disable_accountDisable an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use disable_user)
disable_appDisable or deactivate an application
disable_deviceDisable or deactivate a device
disable_licenseDisable or deactivate a license
disable_mfaDisable or un-enforce MFA for an entire org
disable_permissionDisable or un-enforce a permission
disable_policyDisable or un-enforce a policy
disable_resourceDisable a resource
disable_ruleDisable a rule
disable_settingDisable a setting
disable_userDisable or deactivate a user
disable_webhookDisable or deactivate a webhook
disable_workflowDisable a workflow
disconnect_appDisconnect an application
disconnect_userDisconnect a user (Used when a user leaves a space.)
dismiss_advisoryDismiss a security advisory
download_resourceDownload a resource
download_tokenDownload or export a token or API key
elevate_permissionElevate the permission of a user or group
elevate_roleElevate the role of a user or group
enable_accountEnable an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use enable_user)
enable_apiEnable an API
enable_appEnable or activate an application
enable_deviceEnable or activate a device
enable_licenseEnable or activate a license
enable_mfaEnable or enforce MFA for an entire org
enable_permissionEnable or enforce a permission
enable_policyEnable or enforce a policy
enable_resourceEnable a resource
enable_ruleEnable a rule
enable_settingEnable a setting
enable_userEnable or activate a user
enable_webhookEnable or activate a webhook
enable_workflowEnable a workflow
end_resourceEnd, stop or terminate a resource
end_sessionEnd a session
end_taskEnd a task
enroll_certificateEnroll or add a certificate
enroll_mfaTurn on MFA for a user
evaluate_policyEvaluate a policy
evaluate_tokenEvaluate a token or API key
execute_appExecute or launch an application
execute_commandExecute a command
execute_policyExecute a policy
execute_requestExecute a request
execute_resourceExecute a resource
execute_ruleExecute a rule
execute_taskExecute a task (Use start_task and end_task if separate events are available)
execute_workflowExecute a workflow
expire_exceptionExpire an exception
expire_inviteForce an invitation to expire
expire_mfaExpire an MFA request
expire_passwordForce a password to expire
expire_requestForce a request to expire
expire_sessionForce a session to expire
expire_tokenForce a token to expire
favorite_resourceFavorite or star a resource
follow_resourceFollow or subscribe to a resource
get_tokenGet a token or API key
ignore_issueIgnore an issue
impersonate_userImpersonate a user
import_accountImport an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use import_user)
import_groupImport a group
import_resourceImport a resource
import_userImport a user
install_appInstall an application
invite_userInvite a user
issue_certificateIssue a certificate
lock_accountLock an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use lock_user)
lock_issueLock an issue
lock_resourceLock a resource
lock_userLock a user
login_userUser login
logout_userUser logout
mitigate_advisoryMitigate a security advisory
move_issueMove an issue
move_resourceMove a resource
notify_issueAn issue notification is sent
notify_mfaAn MFA factor is sent to the user via SMS, email, phone call, etc. (This event action should be used only when a separate event exists that captures the success/failure of the second factor)
notify_workflowA workflow notification is sent
open_issueOpen an issue
open_projectOpen a project
pin_issuePin an issue
preview_resourcePreview a resource (If no distinction is made between "preview" and "view", use read_resource)
print_resourcePrint resource to a printer
privatize_resourceMake a resource private
publicize_resourceMake a resource public
publish_codePublish code, commits, or releases
publish_csrPublish a Certificate Signing Request
publish_resourcePublish a resource (Use privatize_resource or publicize_resource if private/public status is known)
push_commitPush a code commit to version control
query_apiQuery an API
query_resourceQuery a resource
read_accountRead an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use read_user)
read_auditRead an audit log or file
read_configRead a configuration file
read_deviceRead a device
read_groupRead a group
read_labelRead a label or tag
read_metadataRead resource metadata
read_passwordRead or show a password
read_permissionRead a permission
read_policyRead a policy
read_resourceRead or open a resource
read_roleRead a role
read_ruleRead a rule
read_schemaRead a schema
read_settingRead a setting
read_shareRead a shared resource such as a drive or folder
read_taskRead a task
read_userRead a user
reject_tosReject Terms of Service
remove_appRemove an application
remove_deviceRemove a device
remove_domainRemove a domain
remove_groupRemove a group or multiple users
remove_labelRemove a label or tag
remove_licenseRemove a license
remove_mfaRemove, reset, or suspend MFA factor(s) for a user
remove_permissionRemove a permission
remove_policyRemove a policy
remove_resourceRemove a resource
remove_roleRemove a role
remove_ruleRemove a rule
remove_teamRemove a team
remove_userRemove a user from a group or resource
request_accessRequest access to a service or resource
request_advisoryRequest a security advisory
request_authorizationRequest authorization
request_reviewRequest a review
request_taskRequest to execute a task
request_tokenRequest a token or API key
reset_passwordReset a password (Refers to a user requesting a password reset; use update_password if the password is updated)
restore_resourceRestore or recover a resource
revoke_accessRevoke access to a service or resource
revoke_apiRevoke an API
revoke_appRevoke an application
revoke_certificateRevoke a certificate
revoke_csrRevoke a Certificate Signing Request
revoke_tokenRevoke a token or API key
revoke_userRevoke a user
send_healthcheckSend a healthcheck
send_heartbeartSend a heartbeat event
share_resourceShare a resource
share_screenShare or cast screen
start_resourceStart or launch a resource
start_sessionStart a session
start_taskStart a task
submit_reviewSubmit a review
suspend_appSuspend an application
synchronize_accountSynchronize an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use synchronize_user)
synchronize_deviceSynchronize a device
synchronize_groupSynchronize a group
synchronize_resourceSynchronize a resource
synchronize_taskSynchronize a task
synchronize_userSynchronize a user
transfer_ownerTransfer ownership
unarchive_resourceUnarchive a resource
unassign_issueUnassign an issue
unblock_userUnblock a user
unenroll_mfaTurn off MFA for a user
unfavorite_resourceUnfavorite or unstar a resource
unfollow_resourceUnfollow or unsubscribe to a resource
uninstall_appUninstall an application
unknownEvent action is unknown
unlock_accountUnlock an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use unlock_user)
unpublish_codeUnpublish code, commits, or releases
unlock_issueUnlock an issue
unlock_resourceUnlock a resource
unlock_tokenUnlock or enable a token or API key
unlock_userUnlock a user
unpin_issueUnpin an issue
unshare_resourceUnshare a resource
unsuspend_appUnsuspend an application
update_accessUpdate access to a service or resource
update_accountUpdate an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use update_user)
update_advisoryUpdate a security advisory
update_alertUpdate an alert
update_apiUpdate an API
update_appUodate an application
update_authenticationUpdate authentication method or setting
update_certificateUpdate a certificate
update_codeUpdate code, commits, or releases
update_commentUpdate a comment
update_deviceUpdate a device
update_groupUpdate a group
update_indexUpdate a table index
update_issueUpdate an issue
update_keyUpdate an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys)
update_labelUpdate a label or tag
update_metadataUpdate metadata
update_mailboxUpdate a mailbox
update_organizationUpdate an organization-wide setting or value
update_packageUpdate a package
update_passwordUpdate a password or PIN
update_permissionUpdate a permission
update_policyUpdate a policy
update_projectUpdate a project
update_resourceUpdate a resource
update_requestUpdate a request
update_reviewUpdate a review
update_roleUpdate a role
update_ruleUpdate a rule
update_sessionUpdate a session
update_settingUpdate a setting
update_shareUpdate a shared resource such as a drive or folder
update_sponsorshipUpdate a sponsorship
update_statusUpdate a status
update_taskUpdate a task
update_teamUpdate a team
update_tokenUpdate a token or API key
update_userUpdate user information (Use update_password if the event refers to a password)
update_webhookUpdate a webhook
update_workflowUpdate a workflow
upgrade_appUpgrade an application
upload_resourceUpload a resource
upload_tokenUpload a token or API key
verify_deviceVerify or authorize a device
verify_groupVerify or authorize a group
verify_mfaEnter or acknowledge an MFA factor (event.outcome should be utilized to indicate success or failure)
verify_resourceVerify a resource
verify_userVerify or authorize a user
verify_webhookVerify or authorize a webhook


Required Field: False
Example: ['authentication']
Detection Supported Field: True

Indicates the high-level categorization of an event.

Allowed Values

authenticationRepresents an event is related to an identity verification process, such as a user providing a password to login.
configurationRepresents an event is related to the creation, modification, or deletion of an application or system setting.
fileRepresents an event is related to a CRUD operation of a file.
malwareRepresents an event is related to a detection of malware.


Required Field: False
Example: 8080
Detection Supported Field: True

Identification code for this event, if one exists. Some event sources use event codes to identify messages unambiguously, regardless of message language or wording adjustments over time.


Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False

Date/time when the event was reported as created in the monitored service.


Required Field: False
Example: appomni_qa
Detection Supported Field: True

The dataset of the event as presented by the SaaS platform. This is distinct from AppOmni datasets which reside under appomni.event.dataset.


Required Field: False
Example: 60
Detection Supported Field: True

Duration of the event. If event.start and event.end are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time.


Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False

Date/time when the event ended or when the activity was last observed.


Required Field: False
Example: f837df
Detection Supported Field: True

Unique ID to describe the event.


Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False

Date/time when the event arrived in AppOmni's data store.


Required Field: False
Example: event
Detection Supported Field: False

event.kind gives high-level information about what type of information the event contains, without being specific to the contents of the event.

Allowed Values

alertRepresents a notification about one or more related events; typically indicative of suspected malicious activity and generated via a detection rule.
eventRepresents any observable occurrence in a system.
syntheticRepresents an AppOmni generated observation made during the analysis of a system.
findingRepresents an AppOmni discovered policy/posture issue or insight.


Required Field: False
Example: core
Detection Supported Field: True

Module of the event. This is usually a specific product or plugin of the monitored service.


Required Field: False
Example: {"some_key": "some value"}
Detection Supported Field: False

The raw event in it's original form.


Required Field: False
Example: success
Detection Supported Field: True

The outcome describes whether an event action succeeded or failed.

Allowed Values

successIndicates the result of the event succeeded.
failureIndicates the result of the event failed.
unknownIndicates the result of the event is unknown.


Required Field: False
Example: AppOmni Core
Detection Supported Field: True

Source of the event. This may be the API endpoint or operating system that generated the event.


Required Field: False
Example: Incorrect password
Detection Supported Field: True

Reason this event happened, according to the source.


Required Field: False
Example: https://example.com/event/user_logged_in
Detection Supported Field: False

URL to reference information about this event.


Required Field: False
Example: 85.63
Detection Supported Field: True

Risk score of the event, as provided by the original source.


Required Field: False
Example: 85.63
Detection Supported Field: True

Normalized risk score of the event, on a scale of 0 to 100.


Required Field: False
Example: 1
Detection Supported Field: True

Sequence number of the event. Sequence numbering is used to ensure the order of events is known, regardless of the timestamp.


Required Field: False
Example: 1
Detection Supported Field: True

The numeric severity of the event according to the source.


Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False

Date/time when the event started or when the activity was first observed.


Required Field: False
Example: ['access']
Detection Supported Field: True

Indicates the type of event. This is a subcategory of event.category.

Allowed Values

accessRepresents a resource or item was accessed.
adminRepresents an admin operation.
changeRepresents a resource or item was changed.
endRepresents an event has ended.
infoRepresents an event is informational.
startRepresents an event has started.
creationRepresents a resource or item was created.
deletionRepresents a resource or item was deleted.


Required Field: False
Example: https://example.com/alert/1234
Detection Supported Field: False

URL to an external source to continue investigation of this event.