Top Level Fieldset: True
The event fields are used for context information about the log itself. A log is defined as an event containing details of something that happened.
Event Fields
Required Field: False
Example: login_user
Detection Supported Field: True
The action captured by the event.
Allowed Values
Name | Description |
accept_invite | Accept an invitation |
accept_message | Accept a message |
accept_session | Accept a session |
accept_tos | Accept Terms of Service |
access_app | Access an application |
access_webhook | Access a webhook |
add_app | Add an application |
add_device | Add a device |
add_domain | Add a domain |
add_key | Add an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys) |
add_label | Add a label or tag |
add_mfa | Add a new MFA factor for a user such as a phone number, authenticator app, or hardware token |
add_permission | Add a permission |
add_policy | Add a policy |
add_resource | Add a resource |
add_role | Add a role |
add_rule | Add a rule |
add_team | Add a team |
add_user | Add a user |
add_workflow | Add a workflow |
alert_api | Notable API event |
alert_device | Notable device event |
alert_event | Notable event |
alert_mfa | User bypasses, attempts to bypass, or circumvents MFA in some way |
alert_policy | Notable policy event |
alert_resource | Notable resource event |
alert_rule | Notable rule event |
alert_user | Notable user event |
allow_issue | Allow an issue |
approve_access | Approve access to a service or resource |
approve_app | Approve an application |
approve_resource | Approve a resource |
approve_request | Approve a request |
approve_token | Approve a token or API key |
approve_user | Approve a user |
approve_workflow | Approve a workflow |
archive_key | Archive an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys) |
archive_resource | Archive a resource |
archive_rule | Archive a rule |
archive_user | Archive a user |
assign_issue | Assign an issue |
authenticate_app | Application authentication |
authenticate_user | User authentication |
await_resource | Await resource |
block_session | Block a session |
block_user | Block a user |
canary | Canary event |
cancel_review | Cancel a review |
cancel_sponsorship | Cancel a sponsorship |
cancel_workflow | Cancel a workflow |
change_mfa | Change an MFA factor (Use add_mfa and remove_mfa if separate events are available) |
close_issue | Close an issue |
close_project | Close a project |
close_request | Close or cancel a request |
close_review | Close a review |
complete_task | Complete a task |
complete_workflow | Complete a workflow |
connect_app | Connect an application |
connect_user | Connect a user (Used when a user joins a space .) |
copy_key | Copy an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys) |
copy_resource | Copy a resource |
create_account | Create an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use create_user ) |
create_advisory | Create a security advisory |
create_api | Create or register an API |
create_app | Create or register an application |
create_branch | Create a Git branch |
create_code | Create code, commits, or releases |
create_comment | Create a comment |
create_csr | Create a Certificate Signing Request |
create_deployment | Create a deployment |
create_event | Create an event |
create_exception | Create an exception |
create_fork | Create a fork |
create_group | Create a group |
create_index | Create a table index |
create_issue | Create an issue |
create_key | Create an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys) |
create_label | Create a label or tag |
create_metadata | Create metadata |
create_mfa | Create an MFA token or code |
create_organization | Create an organization |
create_package | Create a package |
create_password | Create a password or PIN |
create_permission | Create a permission |
create_policy | Create a policy |
create_project | Create a project |
create_request | Create a request |
create_resource | Create a resource |
create_role | Create a role |
create_rule | Create a rule |
create_setting | Create a setting |
create_share | Create a shared resource such as a drive or folder |
create_sponsorship | Create a sponsorship |
create_task | Create a task |
create_team | Create a team |
create_token | Create a token or API key |
create_user | Create a user |
create_webhook | Create a webhook |
create_workflow | Create a workflow |
delete_account | Delete an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use delete_user ) |
delete_advisory | Delete a security advisory |
delete_alert | Delete an alert |
delete_app | Delete an application |
delete_branch | Delete a Git branch |
delete_certificate | Delete a certificate |
delete_code | Delete code, commits, or releases |
delete_comment | Delete a comment |
delete_exception | Delete an exception |
delete_group | Delete a group |
delete_index | Delete a table index |
delete_issue | Delete an issue |
delete_key | Delete an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys) |
delete_label | Delete a label or tag |
delete_metadata | Delete metadata |
delete_organization | Delete an organization |
delete_package | Delete a package |
delete_permission | Delete a permission |
delete_policy | Delete a policy |
delete_project | Delete a project |
delete_request | Delete a request |
delete_resource | Delete a resource |
delete_role | Delete a role |
delete_rule | Delete a rule |
delete_setting | Delete a setting |
delete_task | Delete a task |
delete_team | Delete a team |
delete_token | Delete a token or API key |
delete_user | Delete a user |
delete_webhook | Delete a webhook |
delete_workflow | Delete a workflow |
demote_role | Demote the role of a user or group |
deny_access | Deny access to a service or resource |
deny_invite | Deny or reject an invitation |
deny_request | Deny or reject a request |
disable_account | Disable an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use disable_user ) |
disable_app | Disable or deactivate an application |
disable_device | Disable or deactivate a device |
disable_license | Disable or deactivate a license |
disable_mfa | Disable or un-enforce MFA for an entire org |
disable_permission | Disable or un-enforce a permission |
disable_policy | Disable or un-enforce a policy |
disable_resource | Disable a resource |
disable_rule | Disable a rule |
disable_setting | Disable a setting |
disable_user | Disable or deactivate a user |
disable_webhook | Disable or deactivate a webhook |
disable_workflow | Disable a workflow |
disconnect_app | Disconnect an application |
disconnect_user | Disconnect a user (Used when a user leaves a space .) |
dismiss_advisory | Dismiss a security advisory |
download_resource | Download a resource |
download_token | Download or export a token or API key |
elevate_permission | Elevate the permission of a user or group |
elevate_role | Elevate the role of a user or group |
enable_account | Enable an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use enable_user ) |
enable_api | Enable an API |
enable_app | Enable or activate an application |
enable_device | Enable or activate a device |
enable_license | Enable or activate a license |
enable_mfa | Enable or enforce MFA for an entire org |
enable_permission | Enable or enforce a permission |
enable_policy | Enable or enforce a policy |
enable_resource | Enable a resource |
enable_rule | Enable a rule |
enable_setting | Enable a setting |
enable_user | Enable or activate a user |
enable_webhook | Enable or activate a webhook |
enable_workflow | Enable a workflow |
end_resource | End, stop or terminate a resource |
end_session | End a session |
end_task | End a task |
enroll_certificate | Enroll or add a certificate |
enroll_mfa | Turn on MFA for a user |
evaluate_policy | Evaluate a policy |
evaluate_token | Evaluate a token or API key |
execute_app | Execute or launch an application |
execute_command | Execute a command |
execute_policy | Execute a policy |
execute_request | Execute a request |
execute_resource | Execute a resource |
execute_rule | Execute a rule |
execute_task | Execute a task (Use start_task and end_task if separate events are available) |
execute_workflow | Execute a workflow |
expire_exception | Expire an exception |
expire_invite | Force an invitation to expire |
expire_mfa | Expire an MFA request |
expire_password | Force a password to expire |
expire_request | Force a request to expire |
expire_session | Force a session to expire |
expire_token | Force a token to expire |
favorite_resource | Favorite or star a resource |
follow_resource | Follow or subscribe to a resource |
get_token | Get a token or API key |
ignore_issue | Ignore an issue |
impersonate_user | Impersonate a user |
import_account | Import an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use import_user ) |
import_group | Import a group |
import_resource | Import a resource |
import_user | Import a user |
install_app | Install an application |
invite_user | Invite a user |
issue_certificate | Issue a certificate |
lock_account | Lock an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use lock_user ) |
lock_issue | Lock an issue |
lock_resource | Lock a resource |
lock_user | Lock a user |
login_user | User login |
logout_user | User logout |
mitigate_advisory | Mitigate a security advisory |
move_issue | Move an issue |
move_resource | Move a resource |
notify_issue | An issue notification is sent |
notify_mfa | An MFA factor is sent to the user via SMS, email, phone call, etc. (This event action should be used only when a separate event exists that captures the success/failure of the second factor) |
notify_workflow | A workflow notification is sent |
open_issue | Open an issue |
open_project | Open a project |
pin_issue | Pin an issue |
preview_resource | Preview a resource (If no distinction is made between "preview" and "view", use read_resource ) |
print_resource | Print resource to a printer |
privatize_resource | Make a resource private |
publicize_resource | Make a resource public |
publish_code | Publish code, commits, or releases |
publish_csr | Publish a Certificate Signing Request |
publish_resource | Publish a resource (Use privatize_resource or publicize_resource if private/public status is known) |
push_commit | Push a code commit to version control |
query_api | Query an API |
query_resource | Query a resource |
read_account | Read an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use read_user ) |
read_audit | Read an audit log or file |
read_config | Read a configuration file |
read_device | Read a device |
read_group | Read a group |
read_label | Read a label or tag |
read_metadata | Read resource metadata |
read_password | Read or show a password |
read_permission | Read a permission |
read_policy | Read a policy |
read_resource | Read or open a resource |
read_role | Read a role |
read_rule | Read a rule |
read_schema | Read a schema |
read_setting | Read a setting |
read_share | Read a shared resource such as a drive or folder |
read_task | Read a task |
read_user | Read a user |
reject_tos | Reject Terms of Service |
remove_app | Remove an application |
remove_device | Remove a device |
remove_domain | Remove a domain |
remove_group | Remove a group or multiple users |
remove_label | Remove a label or tag |
remove_license | Remove a license |
remove_mfa | Remove, reset, or suspend MFA factor(s) for a user |
remove_permission | Remove a permission |
remove_policy | Remove a policy |
remove_resource | Remove a resource |
remove_role | Remove a role |
remove_rule | Remove a rule |
remove_team | Remove a team |
remove_user | Remove a user from a group or resource |
request_access | Request access to a service or resource |
request_advisory | Request a security advisory |
request_authorization | Request authorization |
request_review | Request a review |
request_task | Request to execute a task |
request_token | Request a token or API key |
reset_password | Reset a password (Refers to a user requesting a password reset; use update_password if the password is updated) |
restore_resource | Restore or recover a resource |
revoke_access | Revoke access to a service or resource |
revoke_api | Revoke an API |
revoke_app | Revoke an application |
revoke_certificate | Revoke a certificate |
revoke_csr | Revoke a Certificate Signing Request |
revoke_token | Revoke a token or API key |
revoke_user | Revoke a user |
send_healthcheck | Send a healthcheck |
send_heartbeart | Send a heartbeat event |
share_resource | Share a resource |
share_screen | Share or cast screen |
start_resource | Start or launch a resource |
start_session | Start a session |
start_task | Start a task |
submit_review | Submit a review |
suspend_app | Suspend an application |
synchronize_account | Synchronize an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use synchronize_user ) |
synchronize_device | Synchronize a device |
synchronize_group | Synchronize a group |
synchronize_resource | Synchronize a resource |
synchronize_task | Synchronize a task |
synchronize_user | Synchronize a user |
transfer_owner | Transfer ownership |
unarchive_resource | Unarchive a resource |
unassign_issue | Unassign an issue |
unblock_user | Unblock a user |
unenroll_mfa | Turn off MFA for a user |
unfavorite_resource | Unfavorite or unstar a resource |
unfollow_resource | Unfollow or unsubscribe to a resource |
uninstall_app | Uninstall an application |
unknown | Event action is unknown |
unlock_account | Unlock an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use unlock_user ) |
unpublish_code | Unpublish code, commits, or releases |
unlock_issue | Unlock an issue |
unlock_resource | Unlock a resource |
unlock_token | Unlock or enable a token or API key |
unlock_user | Unlock a user |
unpin_issue | Unpin an issue |
unshare_resource | Unshare a resource |
unsuspend_app | Unsuspend an application |
update_access | Update access to a service or resource |
update_account | Update an account (Used to refer to a business unit account; For a user account, use update_user ) |
update_advisory | Update a security advisory |
update_alert | Update an alert |
update_api | Update an API |
update_app | Uodate an application |
update_authentication | Update authentication method or setting |
update_certificate | Update a certificate |
update_code | Update code, commits, or releases |
update_comment | Update a comment |
update_device | Update a device |
update_group | Update a group |
update_index | Update a table index |
update_issue | Update an issue |
update_key | Update an encryption or x509 private key, or similar (Not used to refer to API keys) |
update_label | Update a label or tag |
update_metadata | Update metadata |
update_mailbox | Update a mailbox |
update_organization | Update an organization-wide setting or value |
update_package | Update a package |
update_password | Update a password or PIN |
update_permission | Update a permission |
update_policy | Update a policy |
update_project | Update a project |
update_resource | Update a resource |
update_request | Update a request |
update_review | Update a review |
update_role | Update a role |
update_rule | Update a rule |
update_session | Update a session |
update_setting | Update a setting |
update_share | Update a shared resource such as a drive or folder |
update_sponsorship | Update a sponsorship |
update_status | Update a status |
update_task | Update a task |
update_team | Update a team |
update_token | Update a token or API key |
update_user | Update user information (Use update_password if the event refers to a password) |
update_webhook | Update a webhook |
update_workflow | Update a workflow |
upgrade_app | Upgrade an application |
upload_resource | Upload a resource |
upload_token | Upload a token or API key |
verify_device | Verify or authorize a device |
verify_group | Verify or authorize a group |
verify_mfa | Enter or acknowledge an MFA factor (event.outcome should be utilized to indicate success or failure) |
verify_resource | Verify a resource |
verify_user | Verify or authorize a user |
verify_webhook | Verify or authorize a webhook |
Required Field: False
Example: ['authentication']
Detection Supported Field: True
Indicates the high-level categorization of an event.
Allowed Values
Name | Description |
authentication | Represents an event is related to an identity verification process, such as a user providing a password to login. |
configuration | Represents an event is related to the creation, modification, or deletion of an application or system setting. |
file | Represents an event is related to a CRUD operation of a file. |
malware | Represents an event is related to a detection of malware. |
Required Field: False
Example: 8080
Detection Supported Field: True
Identification code for this event, if one exists. Some event sources use event codes to identify messages unambiguously, regardless of message language or wording adjustments over time.
Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False
Date/time when the event was reported as created in the monitored service.
Required Field: False
Example: appomni_qa
Detection Supported Field: True
The dataset of the event as presented by the SaaS platform. This is distinct from AppOmni datasets which reside under appomni.event.dataset
Required Field: False
Example: 60
Detection Supported Field: True
Duration of the event. If event.start
and event.end
are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time.
Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False
Date/time when the event ended or when the activity was last observed.
Required Field: False
Example: f837df
Detection Supported Field: True
Unique ID to describe the event.
Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False
Date/time when the event arrived in AppOmni's data store.
Required Field: False
Example: event
Detection Supported Field: False
gives high-level information about what type of information the event contains, without being specific to the contents of the event.
Allowed Values
Name | Description |
alert | Represents a notification about one or more related events; typically indicative of suspected malicious activity and generated via a detection rule. |
event | Represents any observable occurrence in a system. |
synthetic | Represents an AppOmni generated observation made during the analysis of a system. |
finding | Represents an AppOmni discovered policy/posture issue or insight. |
Required Field: False
Example: core
Detection Supported Field: True
Module of the event. This is usually a specific product or plugin of the monitored service.
Required Field: False
Example: {"some_key": "some value"}
Detection Supported Field: False
The raw event in it's original form.
Required Field: False
Example: success
Detection Supported Field: True
The outcome describes whether an event action succeeded or failed.
Allowed Values
Name | Description |
success | Indicates the result of the event succeeded. |
failure | Indicates the result of the event failed. |
unknown | Indicates the result of the event is unknown. |
Required Field: False
Example: AppOmni Core
Detection Supported Field: True
Source of the event. This may be the API endpoint or operating system that generated the event.
Required Field: False
Example: Incorrect password
Detection Supported Field: True
Reason this event happened, according to the source.
Required Field: False
Example: https://example.com/event/user_logged_in
Detection Supported Field: False
URL to reference information about this event.
Required Field: False
Example: 85.63
Detection Supported Field: True
Risk score of the event, as provided by the original source.
Required Field: False
Example: 85.63
Detection Supported Field: True
Normalized risk score of the event, on a scale of 0 to 100.
Required Field: False
Example: 1
Detection Supported Field: True
Sequence number of the event. Sequence numbering is used to ensure the order of events is known, regardless of the timestamp.
Required Field: False
Example: 1
Detection Supported Field: True
The numeric severity of the event according to the source.
Required Field: False
Example: 2022-11-17T06:30:10.442Z
Detection Supported Field: False
Date/time when the event started or when the activity was first observed.
Required Field: False
Example: ['access']
Detection Supported Field: True
Indicates the type of event. This is a subcategory of event.category
Allowed Values
Name | Description |
access | Represents a resource or item was accessed. |
admin | Represents an admin operation. |
change | Represents a resource or item was changed. |
end | Represents an event has ended. |
info | Represents an event is informational. |
start | Represents an event has started. |
creation | Represents a resource or item was created. |
deletion | Represents a resource or item was deleted. |
Required Field: False
Example: https://example.com/alert/1234
Detection Supported Field: False
URL to an external source to continue investigation of this event.